Saturday 18 April 2015

Valuing Life





Valuing Life

By: Sadullah Khan




Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said,
"Value five things before five;
Value youth before old age,
Health before sickness,
Free time before being occupied,
Wealth before poverty,
Life before death."




Life is an amaanah, a trust and a test of deeds


* Allah (The One & Only God) has granted us death and life in order to test us through our deeds (Holy Quran 67:2)
      and remember
      that the test of life may incorporate fear, hunger, loss of property, loss of life and loss in the fruits of labor;
      all of which can be borne by those who patiently persevere; acknowledging that we are from Allah and unto Him is our return. (Holy Quran 2:155)





Death is Inevitable


* Each living thing must eventually die (Holy Qur'an 3:185)

There is no avoidance of birth or death except to utilize the interval effectively. Our existence in this world seems like a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Death is certain and wherever you are death will reach you
      But as certain as we are about the occurrence of death, so uncertain are we about its timing and we are instructed to act as if every act could be our last




We are fully accountable for our lives


* If we do good, it is to our own benefit; if we do wrong, it is to our own detriment (Holy Quran 17:7),
and we will be rewarded according to our deeds (Holy Quran 99: 7-8).


Deeds are of course dependent upon intentions
Of all the things in life it is sincere, good deeds that are most beneficial and in fact most valuable (Holy Quran 18:46)

The Holy Prophet said:
"Three things follow the deceased to his grave; his family, his wealth and his deeds; his family and wealth return, only his deeds remain with him."

Our accountability extends to all dimensions of our lives; whether it be ...
           Our responsibility towards those in our care

"Each one of you is a caretaker and each will be held responsible for those under his/her care."


Our responsibilities regarding ourselves
"Each person will be held accountable regarding how life was spent, how knowledge was utilized, how wealth was acquired and spent, and how the body was used or abused."




Let not materialism divert you from your purpose in life


* We are so caught up in the pursuits of the material until we reach the grave
      and seem to be fast asleep until awakened by the reality of death.




Part of a story


* Our lives are but footnotes on the page of history; each has his/her own life and each life is a unique story. Sometimes we enter into each other's lives and become a temporary or permanent part of each other's stories. All our lives are but part of a larger story.
      The fundamental question remains: How do we contribute to the larger story?
      Hazrat 'Ali advised:
      " Socialize with people in such a way that when you die, they mourn for you and when you live, they desire your company."




Do not wish for death


* Life could be meaningful, death is certain yet peaceful; it is the transition from life to death (dying) that is traumatic.
      Living a righteous life makes death much easier.
      For as the Holy Prophet said :
"the best of lives are those long ones filled with goodness."
None should wish for death.
"None should wish for death; if you are good it is possible that you may increase in goodness; and if you are sinful you may rectify your ways and improve yourself."
Rather pray
"O Allah (The One & Only God), make life for me a means for increased goodness and make death for me a prevention from doing any evil."



Narrated Abu Huraira (radi'Allahu anhu):
I heard Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saying,
"...none of you should wish for death,
for if he is a good doer,
he may increase his good deeds,
and if he is an evil doer,
he may repent to Allah."
( Sahih Bukhari ~ Book #70, Hadith #577)



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