Saturday 2 January 2016

Do not be Weak nor Sad

Do not be Weak nor Sad

All praise is due to Allâh, Lord of all the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger, his household and companions.
Tribulations that are facing the Muslims today are serious. These tribulations defy all deions. Our present situation is full of massacres that need no more explanation.

The more this cycle of tribulation widens the more the Muslims, worldwide, feel the pain. The killings, expulsions and violation of sacred places that the Muslims suffer are really saddening. This is in addition to the weakness that has become the bane of the Ummah (Muslim nation).
 There is no benefit in relaying our sufferings and deepening our sorrows, for doing so only leads to despair, self-annihilation and lack of action.
In times of calamity, the Muslim nation is in need of speeches that rekindle hope, spur ambitions and reduce the bitterness of the calamity. In times of trials, verses of consolation were revealed to Allâh's Messenger in order to alleviate the pains of the tribulations. Allâh (The One & Only God) says for instance,
"So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad)." (Holy Quran Yâsîn 36:76)
Allâh (The One God) also says,
"Perhaps, you, would kill yourself (O Muhammad) in grief, over their footsteps (for their turning away from you), because they believe not in this narration (the Qur'ân)." (Holy Quran Al-Kahf 18:6)
He also says,
"O Messenger (Muhammad)! Let not those who hurry to fall into disbelief grieve you." (Holy Quran Al-Mâidah 5:41)
Khabâb ibn Al-Aratt came to Allâh's Messenger complaining about the severity of persecution saying:"Won't you supplicate for us? Won't you invoke Allâh (The One God) to give us victory?" The Messenger of Allâh would then take him from a world of hardship and persecution to that of great victory saying,
"By Allâh, this religion shall prevail so much so that a riding traveler will march from San'â' to Hadramawt[1] fearing nothing but Allâh or a wolf over his flock of sheep. It is only that you are in hurry." (Al-Bukhârî)
Weeping and wailing does not help the matter nor does it correct the situation. Tears should be transformed to practical reflection over the situation of the Ummah (Muslim nation). Attempts should be made to reform the souls, nurture ourselves upon iman (faith) and perform constructive actions to help the cause of Islâm. It is then that that the tears that we shed could be meaningful.
No one bothers about a sick nation. It actually deserves no respect. But the living nation with its illustrious men commands the respect of others. It is because of this that the enemies of Islam tries to uproot it and deal with it with injustice and cruelty.
The living nation turns defeat to victory and sorrow to hope so that its children will not be drowned in moaning and pains. This is evident in the command of Allâh's Messenger to his companions in the battle of Uhud when the archers forgot his command. The Holy Prophet did not allow them to become captives of their momentary pain and defeat. He rather encouraged them to pursue the enemy until their sense of loss and helplessness was turned to that of victory.
The greatest defeat is psychological breakdown and weakness of resolution. As for the defeat in the field of physical war, that is the law of human nature. It comes in turns. The ultimate decision on this belongs to Allâh (The One & Only God) alone, though the good ending is usually for the pious. Allâh (The One God) says,
"Verily, Allâh will help those who help His (Cause)." (Holy Quran Al-Hajj 22:40)
Allâh (The One God) also says,
"Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection)." (Holy Quran Ghâfir 40:51)
Ash-Shâfi'î was asked as to which is better: to give a man power or to put him to trial. He answered, "It is not possible for man to have power if he has not been put to trial." Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "I heard Shaykul-Islâm Ibn Taymiyyah say: "It is through patience and certainty of faith that leadership in religion is attained."He then recited to him Allâh's (The One God's) saying,
"And We made from among them (Children of Israel), leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)." (Holy Quran As-Sajdah 32:24)
Waraqah ibn Nawfal told Allâh's Messenger, "I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out."Allah's Apostle asked, "Will they drive me out?"Waraqah replied in the affirmative and said, "Anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly." (Al-Bukhârî)
The companions of Holy Prophet have made great sacrifices and have made excellent and noble examples of steadfastness upon the truth. Their unique actions stunned human intelligence, and evil planning of the enemy had never swayed them from conveying the message of their Lord. They believed in the message, loved it and made covenant with Allâh (The One God) upon it.
During sanction days in the mountain of Abû Tâlib, the companions would meet people in hajj season and convey the message of Islâm to them. Their pains and persecutions would not prevent them from conveying the message. They rather increased in faith, resoluteness and certainty. Allâh (The One God) says,
"So do not become weak, nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers." (Holy Quran Al-Imrân 3:139)

No doubt, these difficulties that the Muslims are facing today will produce nothing but a viable and strong generation that will be able to sacrifice whatever they have in possession for the cause of Islâm. As for the generation of humiliation and ignominy, theirs is defeat and disgrace. When the children of Israel refused to enter the holy land, they told Moses,
"So go you and your Lord and fight you two, we are sitting right here." (Holy Quran Al-Mâidah 5:24)
It is because of this that Allâh (The One God) condemned them to wilderness in the desert for forty years.
Difficulties and afflictions should bring out the nation's hidden energies. It should incite its resoluteness and awaken it from slumber.
The nation of Islâm has produced men who are as gigantic as mountains in sciences and heroic achievements. Allâh (The One God) has guided many generations through these men.
It is never known whether the earlier or later generations of this Muslim nation, is the best. Just as the rain produces plants, thus does our Ummah produce lions in each generation. Our Ummah is the nation that produced lofty figures like Khâlid Ibn Al-Walîd, Al-Muthannâ, Ibn Abî Waqqâs and later, Salâhuddîn. The nation of Islâm is a fertile and procreating nation. Whenever a hero is lost, he is replaced by heroes who raise the banners of the truth till eternity.
The Conqueror of Al-Quds, 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattâb was assassinated; 'Uthmân Ibn 'Affân who conquered many lands for Islâm was also murdered unjustly and cruelly; and 'Alî Ibn Abî Tâlib was killed. Many heroes have died after them. But their blood was not shed in vain; each drop of their blood rather leads the Ummah to victory after victory. Allâh (The One God) says,
"As for those who are killed in the Way of Allâh, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them and set right their stat; and admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise better than they used to know their homes in the world)." (Holy Quran Muhammad 47:4-6)
The Messenger of Allâh tells the story of a young boy who was crucified on a tree by the tyrant of his time, so that his call to the truth would die with his death and people would be prevented from been influenced by him. But the tyrant was utterly dissapointed. When this youngster was crucified people proclaimed in one voice: "We believe in the Lord of this youngster." The boy sacrificed his life so that the call to the way of Allâh (The One & Only God) would live in people's minds. His soul was insignificant to him because of his religion and principle. He, as a result, attained a profit in which there is no loss and a life that is immortal.
The boy preferred death to life so that the religion of Allâh (The One God) could be prevalent. It is, therefore, not necessary that victory should always be in the military context.
In the light of events that we witness and those that we hear, it is clear to us that truth eventually defeats falsehood; and that huge military might is, in the long run, brought to naught in the face of weaker opponents. It is faith that eventually defeats material power in spite of its multitude. Allâh (The One God) says,
"How often a small group overcame a mighty host by Allâh's Leave?" And Allâh is with the patient." (Holy Quran Al-Baqarah 2:249)
This verse is a directive from Allâh, the Almighty affirming the victory of a small group over a large one, for those who believe in Allâh (The One & Only God), rely on Him and make us of the causes of victory.
The small group attained victory in the Battle of Badr and this victory became the beginning of series of victories for Islâm during the time of Allâh's Messenger and the times of his rightful guided successors and those who followed them.
In our contemporary time, the Palestinian people who are armless are seriously suffering under the might of an army that possesses all kinds of modern weapons including nuclear and biological ones. What a heroism that you demonstrated, O you stone throwing children! What a great sacrifice that you are making, O mothers of stone throwing children! Is it not strange enough that weapons, rockets and bombs are massively and shamelessly employed to attack a young boy, who possesses nothing as weapon beyond stones, or to kill an old woman who has no arms except raising her hands to Allâh (The One God) in invocation, or to treacherously murder a quadriplegic old man? It is really a heinous crime meant to hurt the feelings of millions of Muslims.
The blown-apart body of this man, as seen in his crumbled chair while he was on his way from worship, is a clear indication of treachery of the highest type. This quadriplegic man was and shall remain a shinning star in the life of the Muslims. His cold-blooded murder in the hands of the enemies of Islam will inspire nothing in the minds of his brethren in faith but sense of sacrifice and honour.
The Shaykh was just a crippled body in his chair, but in the throat of the enemy he was a thorn. His unique will, in spite of his old age and disability, is like a soaring mountain that shakes the earth under the feet of oppressors. He humiliated the arrogant enemy. His silence was a statement and his tongue was like a sword.
He was physically feeble but strong in resoluteness. He aimed high and never inclined to this world. He has never succumbed to disgrace and ignominy and he never asked for fame. He was great in his steadfastness. He has written a history as radiant as his face, and as beautiful as his smile.
Assassination of great men affords them the martyrdom that always has been their goal. No doubt, the blood of the Muslims that is shed on the holy land shall irrigate that land to enable it to produce warriors for Islâm. It shall increase the people of the truth in strength and sense of sacrifice and it shall cast horror in the hearts of the oppressors and cause to die hundred times in a single day out of extreme fear.
Certainly, the murders of Muslims will rekindle the love for honourable death in the hearts of principled people who are never weakened by the death of a leader until they achieved victory by Allâh's (The One God's) permission. "Let those who used to worship Muhammad know that Muhammad is now dead and let those who worship Allâh know that Allâh is Ever-Living and He never dies." (Al-Bukhârî)
When the time of death of great men comes, they die like other people and their memory is buried with them. It might be that, great men die honourably so that their death can stir up feelings of the Muslims, impress in their hearts meanings of high-mindedness and remind them of the most important issues. Every drop of martyr's blood breeds a lofty mind that neither surrenders nor accepts humiliation. Every drop of a martyr's blood makes their life an everlasting lesson in sacrifice.
However, the enemy does not read history and if they read it they do not understand it. Reading the history of this Ummah (Muslim nation) will reveal to the reader that this Ummah is like the pleasant and blessed tree whose root is firmly fixed in the earth and its branches are high in the sky. Winds cannot shake it and whenever a branch thereof is cut, it becomes stronger and firmer.
The Palestinian people are an example for the contemporary generation of this Ummah that the Muslim's honour can never be crushed and that weapons can destroy anything but the Muslim's lofty mind. The stone has effectively achieved what riffles failed to achieve. The stone has removed the screen of fear that has shadowed the hearts of most people. The stone has broken the jinx of the undefeatable soldier. Allâh (The One God) says,
"They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls." (Holy Quran Al-Hashr 59:14)
Yes, the stone was able to achieve this feat because; it is carried by a boy whose heart is active in the light of belief in the Hereafter. The stone has broken the screen of humiliation and salvaged the souls from fear of death. Allâh (The One God) says about the base souls that fear death and prefer the life of this world,
"And verily, you will find them (the Jews) the greediest of mankind for life." (Holy Quran Al-Baqarah 2:96)
Certainly, the stone has broken the screen of humiliation and salvaged the souls from fear of death and made them high and lofty. Allâh (The One God) says,
"And (remember) when Allâh promised you (Muslims) one of the two parties (of the enemy i.e. either the army or the caravan) that it should be yours; you wished that the one not armed (the caravan) should be yours." (Holy Quran Al-Anfâl 8:7)
It is in the land of Palestine that the transgressors committed all excesses. They oppressed and caused much mischief. They killed people and destroy crops. The killed innocent people and butchered children and women. They forcefully seized the land from its rightful owners and erected a partition wall. Why then has the modern world that claim to be civilized failed to rein in the transgressors and prevent them from committing further carnage? Where are the agreements and pacts? Where are the callers to peace and its advocates? Indeed, whenever transgression becomes widespread and injustice becomes the order of the day, the perpetrators are driven to no where but perdition, while they know not. Allâh (The One & Only God) says,
"So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened for them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them to punishment, and lo! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows." (Holy Quran Al-An'âm 6:44)

Cruelty, arrogance and audacious oppression that the nation of Islâm suffers should elevate the Ummah to the proper understanding of the events. The Ummah should cast away the causes of defeat and weakness. The issue of Palestine should, therefore, be the concern of every male and female Muslim. 


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