Monday 19 May 2014

Now is the Time





Now is the Time



When you fail to get the desired results, what's the first
Thing you must do? Take credit for it.
If you don't take credit, you don't learn the extremely
Valuable lesson for which you've just paid dearly. If you
Don't take credit and own your failures, you'll continue to
Experience more of them.



Instead, go ahead and take complete credit and ownership of
Your failures. Because when you take full ownership of your
Failures, you fully empower yourself to successfully get
Beyond them.



What you own, you control. When you choose to own your
Results, then you put yourself in control of those results.
When you own your results, you can decide what those results
Will be. And they can be whatever you wish to make them.
Admit your failures, take credit for them, embrace them, and
Own them. When you willingly take responsibility and
Ownership even for the failures, you're positioned for
Magnificent success.



Ignorance makes you believe that

life functions haphazardly.

Wisdom teaches you that everything

that happens in this theatre of life

has profound significance.




What you see today is not the fruit of chance

but a fruit from seeds planted in the past.

Plant seeds of peace now and you will

create a life of peace in the future.





How much of your life do you spend

living in The present?
Research shows that it's very little. We
Spend a lot of time ruminating about the
Past, or speculating about the future.
Make things worse, much of this thinking
Is negative. 





We think about the things we
Might have done, or what we think about
The future dramas that may, in
Reality never occur.  Or we might just
Simply wish it was Sunday, and effectively

wish a Significant portion of our lives away.




The secret to real pace and happiness is to
Live in the present-to focus on the "Now."
If you catch yourself living in another time
Zone remember, the present is where
Fulfillment is.


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