Friday 14 November 2014









IF EYESIGHT WAS a human invention, its inventor would send us bills detailing
all the wonders we've seen, the sights we've visited, the steps we've read, and
the people we've met. The bill would go on and on. Considering the high price

we'd have to pay for just being able to see, only the extremely rich would be
able to afford this luxury product called eyes.

Let us now consider the blessings of our tongues. Again, another very
profitable area if humans invented it. They would place the price tag as high

as they could and feel fully justified—imagine all the communication we would be
doing with their product! Phone bills are typical examples of making money off
our tongues: when we do not pay the bills, service is terminated—No more

talking on the phone. Imagine no more talking with your tongue if you forgot to
pay your tongue-bill.

Eyesight and speech are only two of the many priceless
blessings Allah (The One God) has
given us for free. All we are asked in return is to be thankful. And even in
this we are not compelled by force. But if we chose ingratitude we commit a
massive injustice.

Without eyesight, the pleasures of this world are non-existent. An affluent

blind man, for example, would surely exchange all his fortune for the ability to
see. This blessing of sight alone is worth all the money in the world, but
Allah (The One God) has so graciously given it to us without charge.

On business trips, the company covers the cost of food, lodging, and travel.
If we use the company's money to buy stereo systems for all our friends, they
would refuse to cover the cost and our jobs would be in danger because of our

abuse of the privilege.

Now imagine if Allah (The One God), the Majestic, treated us the same way our employers do,
immediately revoking our privileges us after we've erred, or even
our contracts. We'd all be dead in a flash. For we forever abuse the gifts and
blessings He has given us. We use our tongues in ways that displease Him, such
as in backbiting, lying, and ill-speaking. And we continue to abuse the gift of

eyesight and allow our gazes to wander to sights He has forbidden. The company
would fire these employees straight off. But Allah (The One God) doesn't fire anyone (pun
intended) straight off. He, the most Forbearing, gives us chance after chance.

Here is another way to look at it. Say you had been a paying customer of a
cell-phone service for ten years, your service would be terminated the moment
you can no longer pay, despite the thousands of dollars you've paid in the past.

Yet, Allah (The One God) does not even take anything from us, and instead overlooks our
mistakes and ingratitude. Is there any company in the world that will continue
providing services to people who refuse to
pay? Yet that is exactly what Allah (The One God)
does, except His service is the gift of life.

Allah (The One God) does not send us monthly bills or 'fire" us the way an employer would.
He is all aware of our abuses but allows us to use His favors. When someone

does a good deed for us, we are so thankful and try to return the favor. Should
we not feel compelled to please Allah (The One & Only God)?

Considering all that He has given us, despite our faults. And He continues to
give us so many changes, so we may be able to recognize that and show Him


The worst a company can do is discontinuing our services, charge late fees,
and send collection agencies after us. Yet, eventually, we can just go to
another company for service, just like we can look for another job if we get

fired. However, what will happen on the Day of Judgment when a lifetime of
abusing the many favors we've been given may prevent us from
entering Paradise?
There is no other Paradise to apply for. There is certainly no other Lord to
implore. An early Muslim (Follower of Islam) once said, "(Thankfulness) is to not use His favors
for the purpose of disobeying Him".

So let us pledge to devote our lives to actions pleasing to Allah (The One & Only God), the source
of all our bounties. That is indeed, the best way to express our gratitude.


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