Friday 30 January 2015

Wisdom behind the creation of calamities, sufferings and hardships





Wisdom behind the creation of calamities, sufferings and hardships






There is wisdom behind the creation of calamities, sufferings and hardships that speak about the Favors of Allaah (The One & Only God), His Justice and His Mercy.



For example, some of this wisdom includes:

1. Tests for the believers to strengthen their faith.

2. Evidence for the weakness of humans and their need for their Lord.

3. A means to expiate sins and elevate one’s spiritual status.
The Holy Prophet said,
“There is nothing which afflicts the believer, even the prick of a thorn, except that Allaah (The One God) records a good deed for him or erases one of his sins.” (Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p. , no. 6241)

4. A means for those who visit the ill to earn rewards.

5. Witnessing the occurrence of favors and blessings after calamities and hardships has a more profound effect in appreciating Allaah’s (The One God's) Power, Wisdom, Mercy and Justice.

6. An appreciation of good health and well-being of one’s self.
   ( The people who are not afflicted, becomes grateful to Allah because Allah have saved them from such calamities)

7. A reminder about what is more devastating, Hell. A lesson to build up eagerness for Paradise.
(The punishment of hell-fire is more severe than any of this worldly calamities)
(The Belief in Al-Qadaa wal-Qadar, pp. 85-9)






How do we know, whether a calamity is a  trial or a punishment?

If you take a lesson from the calamities, sufferings and hardship and do good then it is a trial for you, if you ignore it, complain etc.then it turns into a punishment. So, you are the one to determine your response to the calamity, hence determines whether it is a punishment or a trial.

Ibn al-Qayyim said, “If Allaah (The One & Only God) puts a person under certain tests and trials and the person recognizes that he must resort to Allaah alone seeking His help, then this is a good sign for him; the trials turn to purification and mercy.
If on the other hand, he rejects, complains, and turns awayfrom Allaah (The One God) and seeks help from human beings like himself, then this is a bad sign for him; the trials turn to punishment and misery for him.” (Tareequl-Hijratayn, ftn. 103, p. 259)






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