Sunday 10 May 2015

Do you know who is the bankrupt?




B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r    R a h e e m


Do you know who is the bankrupt?

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa aalihee Wasallam (PBUH), 
once asked his Companions
 (May Allah be pleased with them) ,

"Do you know who is the bankrupt?"

The Companions said, "A bankrupt is the one 
who has neither dirham (money) nor wealth." 

The Prophet(PBUH) said: The bankrupt of my Ummah (Nation)...

is he
 who would come on the Day of Judgment.......

 with lots of prayers, fasts and charities ; 

but who had offended a person....

Slandered another.... 

Wrongfully taken the wealth of that person.....

Shed another’s blood.....

and has beaten still another...... 

So Allah will take rewards of his good deeds...

& give them to those who had been victimized by him;
If all of his good deeds were finished...

before their dues were paid....




Their sins will be taken and imposed on him....

...and consequently, he will be
 into the fire-pit! 
Narrated by (Muslim)




For No Visa Card will be accepted.....







when the moment of truth arrives.....

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Three (things) follow a dead person: Members of his family, his property and his deeds. Two of them return; and one remains with him. The people and his wealth return; his deeds remain with him". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].



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