Saturday 20 June 2015

Ramadan and Eemaan (FAITH)



Ramadan and Eemaan (FAITH)



All praise is due to Allah, the Mighty, the Generous. I thank Him and seek for His forgiveness. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship save Him and that Muhammad (s.a.w) is His servant and messenger. O Allaah! Shower peace and blessings upon him as well as his family and companions.


Brothers, always be conscious of Allah (The One & Only God) by doing good deeds and abstaining from forbidden acts for, it is only through fear of Allah (The One God) that you can attain prosperity in this world and the pleasure of Allah in the hereafter. 
It should be known to you that acts of worship that Allah (The One God) ordained on His servants have two aims:

First: To purify believer’s soul in order to make it elligible for dwelling in the everlasting Paradise. Allah (The One God) says: 


( قد أفلح من تزكى وذكر اسم ربه فصلى ) 

“Indeed, whoever purifies himself (by avoiding polytheism and accepting Islamic monotheism) and remembers (glorifies) the name of his Lord and prays will have success.” (Holy Quran Al-A‘laa 87:14-15).





Second: To make all the mankind benefit therefrom. This is evident in this verse:


( كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله ) 

“You are the best of peoples ever raised up for the mankind; you enjoin all that is good and forbid all that is evil and you believe in Allah.” (Holy Quran Aal ‘Imraan 3:110)





Ibn Katheer, while commentig on this verse said that true Muslims are the most beneficial to the mankind by virtue of their enjoining good, forbidding evil and belief in Allah (The One & Only). In a Hadeeth, the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

“Mankind are Allah’s dependents and the dearest of all His servants to Him are the most beneficial to His dependents.”




Furthermore, abstaining from forbidden acts drives away impending evils and puts an end to continous ones. Allah (THE One God) says:


( إن الله يدافع عن الذين آمنوا إن الله لا يحب كل خوان كفور ) 

“Truly, Allah defends those who believe. Verily, Allah loves not any treacherous ingrate to Allah.” (Holy Quran Al-Hajj 22:38.)






Ramadaan is a month of blessing and good deeds. Allah  (The One God) honored it and blessed its nights and days rather, every hour of it. He ordaines fasting during its days and enjoins prayers and supplication during its nights. He made it a period in which good deeds earn multiple reward. He makes a ‘Umrah that is performed in this month as equivalent in reward to a Hajj performed with the Messenger of Allah s.a.w It is in this noble month that many great events occured in the history of Islam like the victory of Eemaan over Kufr in the Battle of Badr, the conquest of Makkah, Battle of ‘Ayn Jaaloot and other decisive battles. 

During this month, Muslims by their fasting have spiritual gains and avert retributions that usually accompany the commitment of forbidden and destructive acts. This meaning is manifested in the verse:


( يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون ) 

“O you who believe! Observing fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may become pious.” (Holy Quran Al-Baqarah 2:183).





Among the merits of this month also is that it puts demarcation between one and Satan, so that he is no more capable of doing what he easily does in other months. This fact is explained by the Messenger of Allah s.a.w when he said:

“When Ramadan comes, gates of Paradise are opened, gates of Hell are closed and devils are chained.”




You are therefore obliged dear brethren, to praise Allah (The One God) for this great favor with your hearts, tongues and limbs and thank Him for all good things that He facilitates for you. Allah says:


( قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون ) 

“Say: ‘In the Bounty of Allah and in His Mercy therein let them rejoice.’ That is better than what (the wealth) they amass.” (Holy Quran Yoonus 10:58)





Endeavor to do as many good deeds as possible during this blessed month and always keep yourself busy with the glorification of Allah (The One God) and seeking for His forgiveness. Observe your obligatory prayers regularly in the mosque with the congregation, pay Zakah out of the wealth that Allah (The One God) has given you and spend in voluntary charity and protect your fasting from forbidden things such as backbitting, slandering and the like.The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

“Whoever does not abstain from falsehood in saying and deed and acts of ignorance, Allah is in no need of his abstention from food and drink.” Al-Bukhaaree




I implore you also dear brethren, to observe the fasting of Ramadan purposely for the sake of Allah (The & God) alone. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

“Whoever observes the fasting of Ramadan with Eemaan and the hope of getting reward from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven for him.”





Pleasure of your parents should also be a goal you should work towards always and particularly during this blessed month for Allah (The One God) will be pleased with you only when they are pleased with you. Maintain good relationship with your kith and kin, show mercy and compassion to the poor and the orphan and render back the trusts to whom they are due. Maintain good relations with your neighbours for he whom his neighbour is not save from his evils is not regarded as a believer. Ensure that Muslims’ properties, persons and blood are save from your harm for every wrong done to another person shall be atoned for on the Day of Judgement. You should know that this month of fasting has kept you on the path of piety, do not therefore deviate from that path and recommend one another to the truth and patience. 



The greatest gift that Allah (The One God) gave to His servants during Ramadan is the Glorious Qur’aan. Allah says:


( شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان ) 

“The month of Ramadaan in which was revealed the Qur’aan, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).” (Holy Quran Al-Baqarah 2:185)




Read the Holy Qur’aan frequently in this month for whoever reads a single letter from the Book of Allah will have a reward of ten good deeds. Frequent recitation of the Holy Qur’aan blesses a believer and leaves the effect of that blessing on his heart and body. The Holy Qur’aan is the guide to all good and the preventer of all evil. Human soul cannot be on the right path unless it is nourished with the Holy Qur’aan and all corruptions that occurs in the human mind are caused by keeping away from the Glorious Book. People of Qur’aan are those who work by it even if they do not memorise it. The Holy Qur’aan is Allah’s Miracle that addresses the human intellect in all ages and all places with various proofs and complete certainty in order to make it submit to the realities of faith.Therefore, nourish your souls and purify your limbs with the Holy Qur’aan. Abide by the do’s and don’ts of this Book and ponder over its marvelous verses that Allah (The One God) may open the blessings of the heaven and earth for you and admit you into the Everlasting Paradise. 



Advance towards acts that will make you win the pleasure of your Lord. He says:


( ولكل وجهة هو موليها فاستبقا الخيرات أينما تكونوا يأت بكم الله جميعا إن الله على كل شيء قدير ) 


“For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good.Wheresoever you may be, Allah will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, Allah is Able to do all things.” (Holy Quran Al-Baqarah 2:148)




Dear brethren, it is part of the perfectness of your fasting to observe suprerogatory prayers like Salaatu Taraaweeh. Aboo Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

“Whoever observes night prayers during Ramadaan with Eemaan and seeking reward from Allaah will have his past sins forgiven for him.” (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

Let us get prepared for the day of departure from this world for none of us knows when death will come and none of us knows what is going to be his or her fate in front of His Lord. 





Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan






Objectives of Fasting


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