Tuesday 8 September 2015

Etiquettes of Ziyarah



Etiquettes of Ziyarah

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the Worlds. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet, his household and companions.

The Messenger of Allah said,

“Al-Madeenah is a sanctuary between the mountains of Ayr and Thawr. Whoever causes an innovation there or harbours an innovator, the curse of Allaah as well as that of His Angels and all people will be on him and Allah (The One & Only God) will not accept of him any good deed.” (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

Whoever commits a sin, harbours a sinner or protects him has exposed himself to a disgraced torment and Allah’s (The One God's) wrath.
Among the greatest acts of sins in Madeenah is to disrupt its peace by spreading innovations and superstitions and polluting it with bid‘ah and shirk speeches and publications and all that negates Islam.

You must know the rules of visiting the Holy Prophet’s Mosque. Here are instructions pertaining to visiting the Prophet’s Mosque and City derived from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, for it is with the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah that a Muslim can protect himself against error, ignorance and innovative words and deeds.

Visiting the Prophet’s mosque is a supererogatory act. It has nothing to do with hajj. Whoever travels to Al-Madeenah to visit the Prophet’s Mosque and prays there, his purpose is lawful and his effort will be appreciated by Allah (The One God). But whoever intends to visit the graves only and to seek the aid of the buried, his purpose is unlawful and his deed is blameworthy.

The Messenger of Allah said.

“No journey should be undertaken except to three mosques: the Sacred Mosque (at Makkah), this Mosque of mine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.” (Al-Bukharee & Muslim).

Prayer in the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Madeenah is manifold in reward.

The Messenger of Allah said

“A prayer in this mosque of mine is better in reward than a thousand prayers in other mosques except the Sacred Mosque.” (Al-Bukharee & Muslim)

It is only that observing voluntary prayers at home is better than observing them in the mosque even if it is manifold in reward.

The Holy Prophet said,

“The best prayer a man performs after the obligatory prayer is the one he performs at home.” (Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim)

It is not allowed to seek blessings in any part of the Prophet’s Mosque like its pillars, walls, doors or pulpit. Rubbing hands on them and kissing them are not allowed as well. Also, the Prophet’s room should neither be rubbed with hands or clothes nor be kissed and no one should circumambulate it, whoever does that should repent and never do that again.
It is recommended for the visitor of the Prophet’s mosque to perform two rak‘ahs or more in the Rawdah because of the established reward regarding that.

The Messenger of Allah said,

“That which is between my house and my pulpit is one of the gardens of Paradise and the pulpit is above my cistern.” (Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim)

Desire to pray in the Rawdah, does not however justify attacking others, pushing them or stepping over their necks.
It is also recommended for the visitor of the Prophet’s City and its inhabitants to visit the Qubaa Mosque and pray there following the example of the Holy Prophet and in order to achieve the reward of ‘Umrah.

The Messenger of Allah said,

“Whoever comes out of his house to this mosque – the Qubaa Mosque – and prays there, he will have the reward of a ‘Umrah.” (Ahmad).

It is also reported in Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim that the Messenger of Allah would come to Qubaa mosque every Saturday riding or walking and would perform there two rak‘ahs.
It is not recommended to visit any other mosque in Al-Madeenah besides those two mosques: the Prophet’s Mosque and Qubaa Mosque. One should also not visit any place for the purpose of supplication or any other acts of worship while Islam has not recommended that. One should also not seek after places and mosques where the Messenger of Allah or his companions have prayed in order to pray or supplicate there when the Prophet has not recommended or encouraged its visit.

Al-Ma‘roor bin Suwayd said,

“We went out with ‘Umar and came by a mosque on our way. Some people hastened to the mosque and prayed there. ‘Umar asked: ‘What are these people doing?’ They answered, ‘This is a mosque where the Messenger of Allah has prayed.’ ‘Umar then said, “O you people! Those who were before you were ruined because they followed what is similar to this until they made out of it churches. Let him who wants to perform prayer do so and let him who does not move away.” ” (Ibn Abee Shaybah)

When ‘Umar noticed that people frequently visited the tree under which the Holy Prophet was given the allegiance, he ordered it to be cut. (Ibn Abee Shaybah)

It is recommended for the male visitors of the Prophet’s mosque to visit the grave of the Messenger of Allah and those of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar in order to greet them and supplicate for them. Women, on their part, are not allowed to visit the graves. Ibn Abbaas narrated that the Messenger of Allah cursed the women who visit graves and those who erect mosques and lights on them. (At-Tirmidhee)

As regards manner of visiting, the visitor will face the grave and say, “Assalaamu alayka yaa rasoolallaah”, (Peace be on you O Messenger of Allah). He will then slightly move to the right and say, “Assalaam alayka yaa Abaa Bakr”, (Peace be on you O Abu Bakr), he will then move forward a little to the right and say, “Assalaamu alayka yaa ‘Umar”. The visitor should beware lest he fall into any of the following violations:

    Invoking the Messenger of Allah and asking him for aid, like saying, “O Messenger of Allah, cure my sick”, “O Messenger of Allaah pay my debts”, “O my intercessor” and other bid’ah and shirk sayings and deeds that negate At-Tawheed.
    Standing in front of his grave and placing one’s right hand on one’s left on the chest or under chest as in the prayer. That is forbidden, for such position is that of humbleness and worship that should be done to Allah (The One & Only God) alone.
    Bowing or prostrating at the grave, for that should be done for Allah (The One God) alone. Qays bin Sa‘d narrated:
    “I went to Heerah and I saw its people prostrating for their vicegerent and I said: ‘The Messenger of Allah is more deserving to be prostrated for.’ So, I came to the Messenger of Allah and said, ‘I went to Heerah and I saw its people prostrating for a vicegerent of theirs. But you, the Messenger of Allah, more deserve to be prostrated for.’ The Prophet said, ‘Tell me, if you pass by my grave will you prostrate for it?’ I said ‘No’ He then said, ‘Then do not do that.’ ” (Abu Daawood)

      The Messenger of Allah also said,
“It is not allowed for a human being to prostrate for another human being.” (Ahmad)

    Invoking Allah (The One God) at the graves or believing that invocation made at the grave will be answered. This is forbidden, for it leads to shirk. Had there been any merit for the invocation made at the Prophet’s grave, he would have encouraged us to do so, for he has left nothing that brings one close to Paradise except that he has encouraged his nation to do it.

    Abu Ya‘laa and Al-Maqdisee reported that ‘Alee bin Al-Husayn saw a man frequenting the grave of the Messenger of Allah. He forbade him to do that and said,

    “Let me tell you of a saying of the Prophet which I heard from my father who heard it from my grandfather that goes thus, ‘Do not make my grave a place for anniversary nor make your homes graves and ask blessings for me. Your greetings will reach me wherever you are.’ ”

    Five: Sending visitors with greetings to the Prophet and conveying this greeting. This is an act of bid’ah. It suffices those who can not come to the Prophet’s Mosque his saying, “Send blessings to me for your greeting will reach me from wherever you are.” He also said, “There are some of Allah’s angels who tour the earth and convey the greetings of my followers to me.”

    A frequent visit to the Prophet’s grave like visiting it after every prayer or everyday after a particular prayer. This act contradicts the command
    “Do not make my grave a place for anniversary.”
    Ibn Hajar Al-Haythamee said
    “…It means: Do not make my grave a place to be frequented.”
    That is why the Prophet said,

    ‘And send your blessings to me. Your greetings will reach me from wherever you are.”
    Imaam Maalik was asked about a stranger who visits the Prophet’s grave everyday and he answered,
    “That is not right. He mentioned the hadeeth, “O Lord, do not make my grave an idol to be worshipped.” Al-Qaadee ‘Iyaad was asked about some people among the inhabitants of Al-Madeenah who would stand in front of the grave once or more in a day greeting the Prophet and supplicating for a while. He answered, “It has not reached me that any of the people of knowledge and understanding has done that, and the latter generations of this community will not be corrected except by that which corrected the first generation. It has not come to my knowledge that the first generation of this community used to do that.”

    Facing his grave from all sides of the mosque whenever one enters the mosque or goes out of the mosque, placing one’s hands on one’s chest and bowing one’s head while greeting him. These are the most common acts of bid‘ah. Therefore, fear Allah (The One God) and refrain from these and others. Beware of following desires and blind imitation and be on true knowledge and guidance as regards matters of your religion.
    Allah (The One God) said,
    “Is he who is on clear proof from his Lord, like those for whom their evil deeds that they do are beautified for them, while they follow their own lusts (evil desires)?” (Holy Quran, Muhammad 47: 14)

It is recommended for the male visitor of Al-Madeenah to visit the dwellers of Baqee Al-Gharqad and the Martyrs of Uhud to greet them and supplicate for them.
The Messenger of Allah used to teach his companions when they visited the graveyard to say,

“Peace be unto you, O you dwellers of this abode of the Muslims and believers. We will certainly join you, Insha Allah. We ask Allah to give us and you safety.” (Muslim)

Visiting graves is recommended for two reasons:

    1. For the purpose of reflection, lessons and as a reminder of the Hereafter.
    2. In order to supplicate for its dwellers and to seek Allah’s forgiveness for them.

It is however compulsory while visiting the graveyards to desist from saying forbidden things.
The Messenger of Allah said,

"I used to forbid you from visiting graves, but let him who wants to visit them now do so, but do not say sinful things" (An-Nasaaee).

There should not be any circumambulation round those graves or others neither should there be prayers to them or between them. One should also not erect structures on them.
The Prophet said,
"The worst among people are those upon whom the Hour will come while they are still alive and those who take graves as mosques." (Ahmad)

He also said,
"Do not sit on the graves nor pray towards them." (Muslim)

It is also not allowed to seek blessings from graves by rubbing hands on them or kissing them or seeking healing from its soil or the like. Visitors to graveyards are also not allowed to bury anything of their hair, or handkerchief in the graveyard or to put their photograph there. They should also not throw things like seeds or food there. Whoever does any of these, should repent and never do that again.

Graves should also not be perfumed neither should one make them intercessor in one's invocation to Allah (The One God). One should also not take their pictures for that leads to shirk.
Invoking the dead in any form or for any purpose is a major act of associating partners with Allah (The One & Only God) and that leads one out of the fold of Islam and makes one an idol worshipper.

Allah (The One God) says,

"Such is Allah your Lord; His is the Kingdom. And those whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him own not even a thin membrane over the date-stone. If you call them, they hear not your call; and if in case they were to hear, they could not grant your request to you. And on the Day of Resurrecting, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you like Him Who is All-Knowing (of everything)" (Holy Quran, Al-Faatir 35:13-14) 

Fear Allah (The One & Only God), dear brethren and beware of the deed of idol-worshippers and friends of Satan (The Devil) who adore graves and abandon mosques. Seek refuge with Allah (The One God) during hardship and calamity and be patient.

Allah (The One God) says,

"And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but Him. And if He touches you with good, then He is able to do all things. And He is Irresistible (Supreme) above His slaves and He is All-Wise, Well Acquainted with all things." (Holy Quran, Al-An'aam 6: 17-18)


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